LIFE Runners A-Cross America Western Arm Relay began today!
Divine Mercy and LIFE at the Golden Gate Bridge At 6:30AM on a foggy Ash Wednesday morning, a group of young pro-lifers gathered at the north end of the Golden Gate Bridge. The group was there for the start of the West Coast Leg of the LIFE Runners A-Cross America Relay. The LIFE Runners relay […]
40 Days for LIFE Begins March 5!
March 5, Ash Wednesday, also marks the beginning of one of the most amazing witnesses for Life that there is: 40 Days For Life. 40 Days, which began in 2004, is now in 251 locations in 11 countries around the world–and it is growing every day. But the importance of 40 Days is not in […]
LIFE Runners Begins March 5!
On March 5, Ash Wednesday, the LIFE Runners A-Cross America Relay begins. (LIFE Runners had a big presence at the Walk for Life West Coast!) The Facebook event page for the Western Arm of the relay is here. The Western Arm details are below the video, and you can sign-up to be a LIFE Runner here. […]
2014 St. Gianna Molla Award winner: Georgette Forney
One of the great honors we have at the Walk for Life West Coast is the annual presentation of the St. Gianna Molla award. The St. Gianna award, named for the Italian doctor who, rather than abort her child when other doctors told her that giving birth would endanger her life, chose life. She chose to give […]
Gonzaga’s Pro-Life Club: ‘We are GU’s mission!’
Amen! On January 29 we had reported that Gonzaga University’s Students For Life had won the West Coast Group of the Year award at the Students for Life’s Be the Revolution conference, which was held at St. Mary’s Cathedral the day after the Walk for Life West Coast. Today the Gonzaga University Bulletin reported: “Gonzaga’s anti-abortion student group received the West […]