Archbishop Cordileone at the Walk!
Our beloved shepherd, Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, was with us!
Walk for Life West Coast SURPRISE!
One of the regular features of the Walk is the annual presentation of the St. Gianna Molla award for Pro-Life Heroism. The award is named after the 20th century Italian wife, mother, and pediatrician Dr. Gianna Molla who chose to give birth rather than undergo a medical treatment that would result in the death of […]
Joe Scheidler Goes Home
Joe Scheidler, the Godfather of the American pro-life movement, went home to the Lord today. He was 92. His accomplishments, and what he meant to generations of pro-lifers, are too numerous to even approximate. In 2018, we were inexpressibly honored to have “Grandpa Joe” accept the Walk for Life West Coast’s St. Gianna Molla Award […]
Celebration of Chastidy Ronan’s Life
The Walk for Life West Coast lost a longtime ally and friend with the passing of Chastidy Ronan, who did so much for so many mothers and families at San Francisco’s Alpha Pregnancy Center. We were honored to be able to present Chastidy with the St. Gianna Molla award for Pro-Life Heroism award at last […]
Chastidy Receiving St. Gianna Molla award, Opening Prayer and More!
We were so happy to present this year’s St. Gianna Molla for Pro-Life Heroism to Chastidy Ronan. Her segment begins at about 10:10 of the video below. As pretty much every pro-lifer in the Bay Area knows, Chastidy served as long-time Executive Director of San Francisco’s Alpha Pregnancy Center. We all also know that Chastidy […]